Oppi Teacher Assistant
Oppi Teacher Assistant
get learning materials in one click
and save time on lesson preparation

Make your teaching efficient
Tired looking for extra materials to make your course more relevant
to your students?
Spend much time on learning personalization?

Try our online platform where teachers can turn any text into tasks
for a specific student or for a group of students. All tasks are generated automatically in one click and meet the individual needs of every learner.

Save time, earn more and stand out among other teachers using modern technology!
You no longer need to be limited by textbooks and other school materials!
Take any text that is interesting to your students. Our system will make tasks out of it automatically.
No more identical tasks for everyone!
Each of your students will receive
a personal assignment, based on their mastery level, interests and goals.
This will noticeably set you apart from other tutors and teachers who continue to work "the old way"
Our technology will save you time
and effort. Automated assignment generation, student performance tracking and personalization do a lot
of routine work for you.
"I have 12 to 20 students in my language classes. All of them are of different skill levels, aptitudes and learning pace.
Giving them all the same assignments kills motivation and affects outcomes.
Automatic personalization helps me keep all of them motivated and involved
in learning activities we do
in the classroom."
Amanda Larkins
University teacher
"Learners don't want to learn a language, they want to achieve their goals: to boost their career, to pass exams or to speak with natives while travelling overseas.
Buy you can't create individual program
for every learner: it will take all your time and get you exhausted.
The only solution is automated learning personalization, when materials
are generated automatically and individual learning 'just happens' on its own."
Samuel Willson
Online tutor
"In a world of hyper-individualization,
the idea of a one-size-fits-all model
of learning and education is shockingly outdated. Individualized approaches
to learning improve learning outcomes, retention, and long-term success
and this app is definitely helps to make language learning much more individual."
Gerhard Apfelthaler. Ph.D.
Dean School of Management
Subscribe and get a free early access to our system!
We are launching Oppi Teacher Assistant soon.
Be among the first users who will see the system.
By clicking on the button, you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the privacy policy.
About us
We are Oppi AI, an Education Technology startup that creates new technology for learning personalization!

Our goal is to give students and teachers the tools that will change education.
We believe that 'one-size-fits-all' approach to learning, when all have to learn the same belongs to the past. We believe that education must be individual and adaptive.
Help Us to improve our technology!
Please, answer a few questions about learning personalization. Learners have individual needs.
We, oppi.ai, are developing a system for learning personalization and would like to know what you think
about it. Your answers can help shape the next generation of learning tools and to make our system even more useful for you.
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